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Utility Process Optimization

A Utility engaged Raybern Consulting to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its business processes, systems, and data integrity. Through detailed examination, Raybern identified opportunities to enhance operational efficiency, boost staff productivity, and improve the customer experience.

Key findings include:

  • Data silos across multiple disconnected systems causing duplication of effort

  • Manual processes prone to errors reducing staff efficiency

  • Limited system functionality necessitating workarounds

  • Reporting and analytics capabilities not meeting evolving needs

  • Customer self-service options not fully leveraged

  • Asset maintenance tracking lacking sophistication

Raybern recommended the Utility consider upgrading its customer information and billing system to a modern cloud-based platform to eliminate manual processes and better leverage customer data. Enhancing asset management capabilities with a dedicated solution will streamline maintenance scheduling and equip the Utility with the insights needed for data-driven decision making.

Additionally, real-time integration across systems and departments could dramatically improve productivity and customer satisfaction. With smart utility solutions tailored to their specific needs they can optimize operations district-wide.

Business Process Analysis

Raybern conducted an exhaustive examination of the Utility’s business systems, manual processes, data flows, and reporting functionality. This uncovered opportunities for greater efficiency and integration.

Disconnected Systems Cause Duplicate Data Entry

The Utility used many unconnected systems for customer billing, asset management, work orders, and payroll. Most lack real-time synchronization, requiring duplicate data entry across multiple platforms. This duplication of effort reduces productivity and increases risk of errors.

Manual Processes Prone to Errors

Vital business processes like payment posting, inventory tracking, and job costing involved manual data manipulation in spreadsheets before entry into the corresponding system of record. By automating these workflows across integrated systems, errors can be minimized.

Limited Functionality Drives “Workarounds”

Gaps in system functionality for critical capabilities like service orders, notifications, and customer self-service prompt the use of stop-gap manual processes. These temporary solutions sidestep the underlying capability gaps but result in inefficiency and fragmented data.

Reporting and Analytics Functionality Lags

While the utility’s systems provided baseline reporting, advanced analytics and dashboarding their capabilities were lacking. This restricts operational insights and the ability to identify optimization opportunities.

Customer Self-Service Untapped

Customers lacked access to account usage data and ability to conduct routine business like paying bills online. Modern customer portals with self-service options dramatically improve experience while reducing customer service workloads.

Asset Maintenance Tracking Deficient

While asset data exists in GIS, maintenance tracking and cost reporting is limited. A purpose-built asset management solution would streamline scheduling and provide asset performance analytics for smarter decision making.


To address these gaps, Raybern recommended the Utility consider upgrading core systems to modern platforms built for interoperability and equipped with advanced analytic capabilities.

Specifically, Raybern advised migrating to a cloud-based customer billing and information system to eliminate time-consuming manual processes while enabling customers enhanced self-service functionality.

Raybern also suggested implementing an end-to-end asset management solution designed specifically for the unique needs of water utilities. This would arm the Utility with an unprecedented level of asset visibility and intelligence to drive predictive maintenance and capital planning.

With integrated solutions sharing information in real time, Utilities can optimize operations, boost staff productivity, enhance customer experience, and harness their data’s full potential while positioning themselves for the future.

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